Shipping Charges
Freight Policy
Freight Prepaid on orders exceeding $4500.00 Net. All Orders totaling less than $4500 Net Add 10% to the Order Total($35.00 minimum). Additional Charges include: $155.00 Add on for oversized items exceeding 90 united inches (W x H x L), $225.00 Add on for items 12′-0″ and up. The oversize Add On is charged just (1) once per shipment
Lift Gate Charge: The need for a lift gate must be ordered on customer PO and will have a cost range of $85 – $425 based on location and freight carrier. It will be invoiced as (prepaid and add). Re-Consignment Fee: Re-consignment charges shall be charged as (prepaid and add), and will apply when the regular scheduled shipment is requested to be redirected by the customer. Notification Prior to Delivery: $55 (prepaid and add). Residential / Jobsite Delivery: Is available as a requested option, with a cost range of $150 – $595 based on distance, location and freight carrier. Will be invoiced as (prepaid and add). F.O.B. Syracuse,Indiana
Concealed Damage
All shipping or other damage must be reported within 2 days (48 Hours) of customer receiving product shipments. The receiving personnel shall inspect condition of all boxes and skids, (Prior to Unloading) with the freight carrier driver present. IF damage or suspected “concealed damage” is evident, the BOL or delivery receipt MUST be signed “damage suspected” and signed and initialed by both the receiver and the driver. Pictures of possible damage should be taken and forwarded with the BOL and PO #’s. Once Damage is “Documented” please contact our Customer Service at 574-457-2062 to report damage.
It is the responsibility of the consignee to offer reasonable evidence that the loss and/or damage was not caused by the consignee after delivery of the shipment.
International Shipping: Brokerage information is required upon order submission.
In the event of a holiday or weekend, shipments will be made the following business day.
Damaged Shipments
DO NOT sign for a damaged shipment until the Proof of Delivery Document (BOL) is noted as‘DAMAGED” or SHORT” at the time of delivery. Take exterior photos of the box(es) / skid(s) / crate(s) as well as the damaged part(s) inside the container they were shipped in / on as well as pictures of the part(s) once completely unpacked. Nu-Wood by Jasper Plastics and it’s affiliates are NOT responsible for damage if the BOL is NOT signed and noted correctly upon receipt. Disposition of shipment will pend outcome of investigation by JP Inc QA Team.
**Notify customer service via email within 24 hours of receipt of product, include copy of BOL that has been noted “DAMAGED or SHORT” at time of delivery, PO or packer number and attached all previously requested documents.**
Customer Service EMAIL: orders@jasperplasticssolutions.com & PHONE: 574-457-2062
Please also note that ALL shipments that leave our facility are packaged with tape that states that if the seal is broken, STOP. Either refuse shipment or follow the above guidelines stating that the shipment was opened prior to delivery.