Nu-Wood Blogs

Installing Nu-Wood Headers

Installing Nu-Wood Headers

Our photographer spent a few hours at a new construction site where Nu-Wood headers with Nail Flange and J-Rout were being installed. The resulting video should help an experienced carpenter utilize...

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The Many Colors of Nu-Wood

The Many Colors of Nu-Wood

Poinsetta Red. Forest Lawn Green. Flamingo Pink. Whatever color your customer wants, we can do it. The proprietary color match system available on all Nu-Wood products eliminates on-site painting...

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Shutter-Up with Nu-wood Shutters

Shutter-Up with Nu-wood Shutters

Your customers are looking for the fastest way to build and remodel homes with quality products. Here’s a way you can help them: point the toward easy-to-install Nu-Wood shutters. Made of...

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Today’s Homeowner TV Show

Today’s Homeowner TV Show

It is always really cool to see our products on homes , but here you can see Nu-Wood shutters and columns on a home as they are prepping it for taping the “Curb Appeal” episode of Today’s...

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